Activities Subsidy Form

Townhomes on Capitol Hill offers a subsidy for activities or enrichment classes for adults and children. Adult participants must be a member of the Townhomes on Capitol Hill and the child must be on the member’s proprietary lease. To be eligible, the member's household MUST be in good standing.

For the 4th Quarter Subsidy, every household can submit requests up to $2,600. The total budgeted amount for the 4th Quarter of $30,000 will be divided by the total number of requests submitted. Each eligible request will receive the same amount. For example, if the office receives 100 requests, the subsidy given per request would be $300, not to exceed $2600 per household.

Funds will be distributed until exhausted.

Submissions are only accepted for 24 hours beginning
October 1, 2023 at 12:00 AM
October 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM